PSOR Care Health Benefits
Product Description

PSOR herbal healthcare pills are specifically designed to help people with psoriasis and other chronic skin disorders. PSOR supplement harnesses the power of natural substances known for anti-inflammatory, immune-modulating, and skin-soothing characteristics, providing a comprehensive approach to skin health management.

Psoriasis is a skin disease characterized by severe flare-ups of dry, flaking skin. These flare-ups are caused by excessive skin cell production and shedding. Psoriasis can be diagnosed by a dermatologist by a physical examination or biopsy.

PSOR Supplement key benefits are natural and safe way to control psoriasis, reduces redness, itching, pain and scaling and improves skin cell production.

-> 2 to 4 capsules
-> Adequate water
-> 30 min after a meal
-> Twice a day