Punarnava Health Benefits
Packing Type – Aluminium pouch / HDPE Containers
Available size – 100gms / 1kg / 25 kg bag or drum
Product Description

Punarnava is a well-known medicinal plant that contains important nutrients, minerals such as vitamin C, and other compounds.
Because of its laxative properties, taking Punarnava supplement prior meals may help control stomach issues such as constipation. It also relieves flatulence and stomach pain. Punarnava suppresses hunger, which aids digestion and weight management.
Punarnava also increases urine production because of its diuretic properties, lowering the likelihood of urinary problems. Its antioxidant action may help manage liver disorders by preventing free radical damage to liver cells.

Boerhavia diffusa is a blooming plant from the four o'clock family that is commonly referred to as punarnava, red spiderling, spread hogweed, or tarvine. It is used in herbal medicine to treat pain and other conditions. Boerhavia diffusa leaves are commonly utilized as a green veggie throughout India.

Punarnava's Pitta balance, Deepana (appetizer), and Pachan (digestion) characteristics aid digestion and help to maintain healthy hemoglobin levels in the body. Punarnava also promotes overall health through its Rasayana (rejuvenation) properties, which aid to alleviate anemia symptoms.

-> 2 to 4 capsules
-> Adequate water
-> 30 min after a meal
-> Twice a day